Monday, March 01, 2010

Cailin and her pets

Cailin loooooovvvves her animals. She loves to hold them, snuggle them and anything else they will allow.

Mac, our HUGE white cat is a little weary of the kids. He isn't super fond of their loudness, their quick movements or them always wanting to touch him. He's perfectly happy being a lazy bum on the bed most of the day.

He has grown to 'tolerate' Cailin's presence though, which I never thought would happen. She has charmed herself right into his world as well. She is really good and gentle with him. She never hurts him and lets him go when he complains. She's just persistent about trying to convert him to like her more.

Now we see this happen quite a bit.


Although I'm not sure if he really likes it yet. But he better get used to it.

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