Saturday, January 11, 2014

First Day of School

The kids were eager to go back to school. Well maybe not eager. But they were ready.

Cailin started 3rd grade and Andrew started 2nd grade.



Park Point Week

We spent the second part of August on a wonderful trip to Duluth. We rented a house on Park Point, if you don't know, this is a sandy peninsula just across the Duluth Lift Bridge from Canal Park.  The bonus of this area is the sandy dunes,which remind me of the east coast beaches, specifically Cape Cod. 

We also got to spend time with our DC family, Uncle John, Auntie Melissa and Cousin Michael all came for the visit.  We all stayed in the same house with Oma as well.

Uncle Chris and Auntie Jennifer came too, although they were smart and decided to stay nearby at a quiet, calm hotel.

Much of the time that week was spent visiting the beach, which was just a short walk outside of our back door. Awesome!  The weather was unseasonably hot (by Duluth standards), breaking heat records the days we were there.  So with the heat, the cold of Lake Superior (which we did swim in) didn't seem AS bad.  We spent a lot of time playing at the beach, running in and out of the water, making sand castles and playing Frisbee and catch.

We also did a few day trips. We visited Gooseberry Falls.

We visited the Duluth Aquarium and walked the harbor to look at the ships.

And of course, our favorite, the Train Museum.  Always a hit.

But the best part was spending time together. The cousins LOVED all being together!