Thursday, October 09, 2008

Another camping weekend

We have had a crazy few weeks. Work has been tremendously challenging for me (karen) with lots of big issues. Mike decided that since the weather was supposed to be nice, we'd try a last minute get-away close to home.
Cailin found some Halloween cupcakes and decided it was her lion's (her most treasured stuffed animal for those of you who don't know...)birthday, so we needed to have a birthday party for him. The polished their cupcakes in no time and have evidence remaining on their faces to prove it.So we packed up the camper and headed to Norwood Young America to Baylor Regional Park (part of the Carver County Park System). It was beautiful! They had several playgrounds (important to our family), and lots of room to run around. We also played by the lake and our campsite backed up to a stream. It was chilly at night (very thankful for heat in our camper) and early in the mornings and then rained as we awoke Sunday morning (thankful for NOT being in a tent and possibly getting wet...).
All in all, we had a blast and it was a nice, relaxing weekend. Perfect!

Baker Park

We made another trip to Baker with our friends, the Frasers in September. It was a beautiful weekend, with warm weather and sunny days, so it made for a great weekend of camping. Caleb, Dawson (the fraser boys), Andrew and Cailin all had a blast playing with toys and at the playground.
We brought lots of toys with to play with. Andrew had his lawnmower, he was making sure it was ready to mow the lawn.
Here he is in action....although I didn't see any grass there, he wanted to be sure.
Cailin and Andrew brought their trikes with and CRUISED full steam ahead on the paths. We did forget our helmets, which we'll need to remember next time considering how many times I said "guys, slow down please...."
We spent time at the lake, but didn't bring swimsuits figuring it would be too cold. It was around 80 degrees most of the time, so Cailin decided to swim anyway in her clothes. She had a blast and reported that swimming was her favorite part. Who would have thought it?