Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. (www.mycharmingkids.net)
It was NOT me that woke up this morning singing a song in my head from Yo Gabba Gabba first thing. My daughter loves that show and we have several that are recorded on our DVR, she watched the same episode a few times this past weekend. That would have been really odd for me to be singing Yo Gabba Gabba, not me. Especially first thing. And so I'm sure it wasn't me that actually sang it outloud with the motions when getting ready. That would have been really weird.
It also wasn't me that was hosting a kid birthday party for my daughter this weekend and did not tell my son "please be nice to your sister and try not to kill her today in front of all of your friends...." That would have been a really weird thing to say to him. Of course he would behave perfectly anywhere right? right.
And it wasn't me that actually contemplated getting a slice of Baker's Square French Silk pie, because I've been wanting a piece for over a month. That would be really odd. And it wasn't me that then settled on having popcorn for dinner. That wouldn't be very healthy now would it.
And last but never least, it was not me that allowed my son to wear his Superman Halloween costume to the grocery store when we went grocery shopping this past weekend. That would have been really odd of me to let him go out to the store like that. It also would not have been me to encourage him by saying "Superman, can you fly over to that shelf and grab me a package of yogurt please?" "Thanks for zooming so fast Superman!" Nope, not me.
Happy Monday!
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