Monday, May 28, 2007

Swimming in the pool

We got a small pool at Target recently. Drew was content walking around the outside. He didn't really like to play inside.
Now, Cailin on the other hand, absolutely LOVED playing in the pool. We were actually a little suprised since last year, she didn't really like it. So Daddy and Cailin played for a long time in the pool. They played in there until we pulled her out with blue lips. She was shivering, but still wanted to play. She's quite a little fish, just like daddy!

Last Weekend

Cailin and Drew like to "Mash" each other. Drew actually sucessfully tackled Cailin this past week as well. I think he's beginning to realize that he can take her if he wants to....Of course all he wants to do is play and LOVES to play with Cailin!
We just hung around home last weekend. We ran a bunch of errands and tried to play outside as much as possible.

Cailin took a tumble outside and scuffed up her nose a bit, she's tough though, got up and kept on going. In this picture she's chaning bear's diaper, apparently she needed wipes too. Funny.

Daddy felt that there weren't enough cars and trucks in our house, so Daddy had to fix that. Now we have three new trucks - ok a big huge Tonka truck, a Tonka Fire Engine, and a Tonka Rescue SUV. Of course they all have 8 batteries a piece and say really annoying things.

Oh, and by the way, we also recently got an adjustable indoor/outdoor basketball hoop. Yes, these kids have PLENTY of toys!! I'm sure we'll have pictures of that really soon as well!

The Tichlins Visit!

We spent a few days with Auntie Melissa, Uncle John and Cousin Michael recently. They made the long journey from inside the beltway (Washington DC) to come and visit us here in Casa Friary. We even had a small dinner with everyone (minus Melissa, as she had to head back to DC for work). Uncle and Oma also were able to attend. It was a great time!! Drew tried to teach Michael how to eat like a Friary!

Thursday, May 24, 2007


She's been a busy bee lately. She has been working hard at being a big sister. She also is really into pretending lately. She seems to be paying close attention to babies. She likes to change her dolls diaper, feed her bear a bottle - etc. She has a little brother (duh), recently we had a visit from Auntie Melissa, Uncle John and baby Michael, and there is a little baby at daycare. So that may be one of the reasons she seems inspired. She also likes to pretend to go to work like mommy and daddy do. In this photo, she got all dressed up so she wouldn't get cold "put hat on, no cold".
Before Uncle John and Auntie Melissa arrived, they sent a cute shirt over to us for Cailin. Do you think it might be appropriate?? (in case you can't read it, it's the Dairy Queen emblem with the words "drama queen" in it's place - VERY appropriate - even for a 2-year old)

Mmmmmm Chocolate Syrup....

Cailin teaches her little brother lots of fun things. One is digging in the fridge. And now that Drew is mobile, he can help himself to the fridge. Cailin also showed him how awesome it is to suck on the Hershey's Chocolate Syrup. When he figured it out, he was so psyched! Oh and Don't worry, we have a back up Chocolate Syrup, so when you visit and we offer you some....we won't give you the same bottle the kids have sucked on!

Hanging out with Elmo

So for Christmas, the kids got the TMX Elmo. If you don't have one, I can assure you DON'T get one. He's cute and all, but probably one of the most annoying toys. He giggles and laughs, falls down, gets up. Pretty cute the first few times, but it gets old. But our kids really like the guy. So he is often put into the window to 'look for cars' as Cailin says. I guess Elmo has a fascination with traffic as it passes the house. So in this picture, she propped him up and of course Drew had to help out as well. Those two are peas in a pod!


Drew has spent a lot of time mastering his walking as well these days. He will walk along anything and every once in a while, he lets go. He only seems to panic once he realizes that he's not holding on to anything. He also LOVES to walk. If he's holding onto your hands, he cruises!!

Big Walker

Drew has been crawling for well over two months now. We all thought he'd skip that due to his rather larger size, but he LOVES to crawl!! I think it's the idea that he isn't dependent on anyone else. He seems to like that a lot. PLUS, he's just like big sis now too!! He's mobile. Plus he thinks it's really funny to come after you when you have the camera out to try and take pictures!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

"Sit here dew....."

That is what Cailin says to Drew almost every morning. Mike usually gets them up, as Mommy is already at work at that time. Daddy will get Dew up (as Cailin calls him), get him dressed and fed, then go into see Cailin. Cailin will then direct Daddy to put Do down in Cailin's crib. She will clear a spot out in the crib (as there are a few bears around in there) and Do will be placed as directed. Drew really thinks it's pretty fun. He kind of likes his big sister! This picture is of the two of them seated in her crib. The pictures were dated mid-April, so it's a little over a month ago. He loves sitting in her crib.

Long time overdue....

Sorry for the long delay. There was a slight problem locating password info. And it took FOREVER to try and get it straightened out. But, here we are again. I'll be posting several updates here very soon!!!