Sunday, August 07, 2011

The Move

Madeline, as we found out at her last doctor's appointment, is tall. She's very tall.

Ok, and kind of cute too.
So tall, she won't fit into her bassinet any longer. She's been sleeping in the bassinet since she came home from the hospital, but as we put her into it last night (after returning from a week-long vacation) we found that her head AND feet touch the ends.

So we busted out the crib that Cailin used when she was a baby. That was one of the few things we kept. Most of the other baby 'stuff' we donated or gave away since we were done having kids.


But alas, we had the crib and all of it's parts and hardware. So we put it together and Madeline took it for a spin with a nap this morning.

Now, she doesn't look so big anymore...

But I'm sure that will change. Soon. Very soon.

Kamp Dels

We just returned from a week-long trip to our favorite summer water spot. It's Kamp Dels in Waterville.

The kids LOVE being in the water and at the pool.

Andrew, who last year was just getting used to being in the water, is now a full-fledged fish.

Madeline even tried out the pool briefly with her feet. She also took several naps pool-side. I thought that was a great idea too.

The weather was perfect, could not have been any nicer. It was hot for swimming and sunny for playing.

The kids are already counting the days until we can go again next year.

And by then Madeline will be a fish too I'm sure.