Sunday, October 05, 2014

New Year's 2013/2014

So we're sitting around at home over the winter holiday and our neighbors were packing up to head up north for the long New Year's Weekend.

They were kind enough to invite us, but we said, 'no, we probably should just stick around at home'.  We didn't really have plans. Other than work. Nothing really big going on.

So then the morning when the Frasers are leaving, they call and say "You guys can still come up if you want to...."  Then Sarah called again.  "We'll see you in a few hours...." kidding around. So then I said to Mike - why not? Why don't we just go??  I left a message at work, Mike did the same. We packed up (in about 30 minutes which is an all time record).  Called the kennel, dropped of the dog and hit the road.

We called on our way and said we were on our way.  "REALLY??!!!" Sarah asked - yuppers!  We kept it a secret from the Fraser kids so we'd roll up and surprise them.

Everyone was SO happy to be together! We played Foosball, played in the pool and played outside.  They had a TON of snow.  It was deeper than I've ever seen up there.

And we got a snowstorm while up there. Which was beautiful. Mainly beautiful because we didn't have to drive in it.

It was super cold too - like Black Ice cold.  But we had a blast and all got home safely.

What a wonderful weekend!!

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