Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. (www.mycharmingkids.net)
I'm sure you know it was not me that ignored the laundry once again. Oops. I'm sure it just slipped my mind. And it isn't me that still hasn't done anything about Holiday cards as of yet. The organized part of me would never have allowed this much time to go and not have even thought of doing a holiday card yet. No way, couldn't be me. I'm sure if I had neglected to do so as of yet, I'd be all over that very soon. I'm sure. Right?
And it wasn't me that was playing doctor's office with my kids (the innocent kind, not the adolescent kind) and actually dozed off while I was in for 'routine surgery' as my daughter told me. I would never have fallen asleep while we were playing, even if it was for just a few minutes. And it surely wasn't me who was laughing as my daughter used the VeggieTales manger scene as the music (it plays a song of a Veggietale signing "Oh Little Town of Bethlehem")to put me to sleep. Well that laughing must not have been right before I actually dozed off. That must have been a mistake.
And most certainly it wasn't me that used distraction as a means to solve a disagreement between my two kids. You see that would have been the easy way out, instead I'm sure I would have sat with both of them, and thoughtfully discussed the offense and come up with some lengthy peace agreement rather than said "Hey, Andrew - look! The Fraser's turned their Christmas lights on, let's go see". (wow good timing Frasers - thank you!)
It was NOT me that was in a meeting last week at work only to look down and see that I might have had two different socks on. D'OH! Then it also wasn't me that thought back to when I was getting dressed that morning, (running late because of the puppy) that maybe getting dressed in the dark was maybe not such a good idea?? I have got to get to that laundry....
And I'm sure it wasn't me that instead of getting ready for work as I should am sitting on the computer seeing what y'all are up to. (and hearing the dog scratching at the door) Nope, wasn't me either!
Happy Monday!
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