Thursday, June 04, 2009

Camping - part two

We spent four nights at Baker Park in Maple Plain, then headed down to Pine Island to visit Mike's family for the weekend and took the camper. We figured it was already packed, the kids' loot was all tucked safe and sound inside so we'd just keep driving.

We arrived at Grandma and Grandpas and Grandpa had his mustang outside and his John Deere Tractor. We got the camper all set up and then Andrew wanted to take a tractor ride. Cailin and Grandma disappeared to the playground on Cailin's bike. The kids were totally pooped out Saturday night.

Wanda was in town from Milwaukee and Katrine and Tony came up and we all had dinner together. It was also the birthday weekend, as we celebrated Mike and Wanda's birthday. The kids enjoyed 'helping' open presents.

Cailin isn't really captured in any of these pictures because she was off playing, having tea parties, playing on the neighbors swingset, going to the playground - etc etc. Grandma and Cailin disappeared for awhile, off playing.....

We also saw cousin Kelly and her children, which Cailin and Andrew both LOVE to play with the kids!

We had one last visit with Great Grandma Bea as we headed out of town on Sunday. But Andrew was soooooo tired, he actually fell asleep in my arms and slept through the entire visit. Cailin chose to sleep the whole way home while Andrew watched "Cars".

Then, when we got home, it was laundry time! I don't think I've ever seen so much laundry piled in front of the washing machine - yikes!

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