Monday, December 20, 2010

The Waiting Game.....

Andrew is a little bit excited for Christmas.....

He loves to open presents.

He is VERY excited to open any kind of presents, whether they are for him or for others.

Mike put several presents for the kids under the tree yesterday and Andrew has not left the side of the tree since (other than to go to sleep, eat, bathroom or daycare) - he is firmly parked next to the tree to 'watch' the presents.

Last night, before bed he asked if he could kiss the presents goodnight....

and so he did.

yes, we will be staging an intervention (as we discussed in an earlier post) soon.

(Incidentally, the cat was 'helping' him do this as you can see his long tail in the shot....)

It Snowed....a lot. A LOT

A week ago, we got maybe 22" of snow in about 2 days. It was quite the storm.

Mike was able to get his money's worth out of the monster snow blower he purchased last year, that's for sure. It was a little bit of a nervous minute when he made one pass through and the snow blower broke. Then he found the bag (the one that came with the owner's manual) with all the extra parts in it. Then he replaced a few sheared pins and it was back in business. Whew, sigh of relief there.

You can see the depth of the snow on this one.

Cailin was interested in playing outside.

and getting goofy when she saw the camera.....

Andrew not so much.

He was more interested in hanging inside and watching the commotion outside from the comfort of his pajamas and the living room window.

Good news is we have more snow on the way this week!