But we did find some time to get out and play in the snow. Last weekend, Andrew wanted to go out and do some sledding. We have a small hill on the side of our house that dumps directly into our now dormant garden. So that has become our sledding hill in our yard. It's kind of nice not to have to go anywhere to go sledding.
I remained in the house with Cailin since she was getting over a cold/fever. She was very upset that she couldn't go sledding and I was deemed 'the meanest mommy ever' for not letting her go out with her 102.9 fever. Man, I AM mean! Well, that was until she got to watch a movie and snuggle on the couch with me, then I was told "this is exactly what I wanted mommy!". Aaaah, the mind of an almost five year old. As I tell her, 'it's hard being 5!".
Ok, so back to sledding, Cailin was all situated with her movie and then Andrew, Mike AND the puppy Jake went outside to play. Last year, Andrew didn't like being in the snow. He's kind of a sensitive kid. Not just sensitive in his feelings, like he is very sensitive to certain textures as well as things that are cold. So he wasn't a big fan of the snow last year. Well, that was last year. Big boy has grown up a bit!
Getting ready for the first run, Masher not sure what to expect:

Now, on run 3 or 4, enjoying himself.

And now, with the dog:

And yes, the dog liked sledding as well. We had to drag Masher in the house. I kept reassuring Masher that the good news is that since we live in Minnesota, we have months of snow and winter weather ahead of us, so there will be plenty of days to go sledding again......
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