I kind of, sort of got in trouble for bashing poor, cute, little sweetie pie Jake (our puppy). Yes, he is cute. Yes, is sweet. BUT, he is kind of a handful! He's tried pulling the Christmas tree down, so now we have that barricaded off. He's harassed the cats non-stop, so they are pretty much in hiding, well except one that is quite a feisty one, Ripley. She's like a thousand years old and is feisty to say the least. She stands her grand and has 'taught' the puppy to respect her authority (quoting Cartman from South Park).
Otherwise, the puppy is doing well. He has assimilated into our family well. The kids love him. Although they are not thrilled when he nibbles their toes, or rips their clothes when playing. We watch him closely around them so no one gets hurt. The kids have learned a lot about how to care for an animal and to be kind to animals as well as they love him to pieces.

He also loves the snow, which is good, because like I've said before, living in Minnesota, we get a lot of snow. He likes to roll around in the snow, bury his entire head in the snow and just make a total mess of himself in the snow. So that's all good.

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