Andrew was planning to be this for Halloween:

Iron Man.
But then on Halloween morning, he decided that he wasn't fond of wearing the mask. I told him he could wear the costume and not the mask and he still passed. Thankfully, he chose to wear the same costume as last year - Superman. And thankfully, it still fit.

Cailin wanted to be a cowgirl.

The kids trick-or-treated with neighbors and friends, the Frasers. The dads took the kids and the moms hunkered down by a bonfire and handed out candy to the other neighborhood trick-or-treaters.

Poor Andrew got a little spooked at one house. One house was all decked out scary-style. They had scary, spooky stuff and that was too much for him. After that he decided he wanted to walk along, but didn't want to go to any more doors for candy. Later he told me his favorite part was at home, handing out 'candy to the customers' that came to the door.
No snow this year too, which in Minnesota - you never know.
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