When I found out I was pregnant with Andrew (AKA Masher)I was a little bit surprised. Cailin was only about 7 or 8 months old, so they were going to be, shall we say close in age? We knew we wanted more children, but this soon? We must be crazy.
Well, we are crazy, but for different reasons and that boy is an amazing gift.
I was HUGE and pregnant and we knew we were having a boy. I walked in the MS Walkathon just a few weeks before I was due. It was a beautiful day but I was HUGE. Really big.
see? really big....
I remember going to my OB appointment and telling the doctor, 'look here, see the outline of his foot?' as he was kicking my stomach, I outlined his foot - 'this babe is rather large and he doesn't seem to be making any moves to come out on his own, maybe he needs a little help?? please??"
So the doctor planned an induction and he was born.
June 29th at 2:12pm.
10 and a half pounds.
"You're right, he is big" was what the doctor said. This was after his shoulders got stuck and they had to do some fast moving to get him unstuck so we didn't have to visit the OR. But alas, he was freed, and bruised (poor babe) but no permanent damage - Thank you GOD! And he was with us.
Andrew, meet daddy.

Andrew, meet mommy.

Andrew, sit there looking cute with your finger on your face like you're thinking.

Good boy.
He slept a lot in his swing. In fact I thought he'd never grow OUT of wanting to sleep in that swing. In my more desperate moments, I'd have images of him at five years old having that swing in his bed somehow.

Yes, that swing.
Well, now he's four and guess what? He doesn't sleep in that swing anymore. He grew out of it not long after that picture.
But here he is now, at four years old.
Here he was at one.

At two.
At three
And now my big four year old!
Awww, that smile, that look melts my heart (and I'm sure will melt the hearts of many girls when he hits high school... sigh)
Happy Birthday Masher! I love you lots and lots!
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