We got to tour the school, tour the three kindergarten classrooms AND take a bus ride on a school bus. Big Fun! Cailin has been on a school bus before, but this was Andrew's first ride. He was a bit nervous, but then exited the bus saying it was his favorite part!
The principal was responsible for giving the school tours. He split the whole group into three smaller groups, so that we did each event in phases so the groups weren't too large. We had the school tour with the principal last (or second to last just before the milk and cookies) and it was kind of a funny moment, because I caught a small glimpse of what my child will be like in school. At the first stop, the principal had a small group of the soon-to-be kindergarten kids up front with him, with the parents following behind. So the principal told the kids, "why don't you kids be up front here with me so you can be sure to see and hear everything I say..." and then by the last stop, my sweet, assertive daughter announces as we arrive "Ok, kids - all kids up front so you can be sure to hear and see well!!!" I felt every parent turn towards me and laugh...Yup, that's my kid!! My little rule-follower. She'll be such a good little student!! Of course that is happening at the same moment as my son turning to me and saying "MOM, I WANT MILK AND COOKIES NOW PLEASE!!!!". So you can see the difference between my two kids??? I'd like to think I was like Cailin in school, well maybe a good combination of both her and Andrew? hmmmm

The kids finished up the evening with cookies and milk in the cafeteria.
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