Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. (www.mycharmingkids.net)
It was not me who was putting the size 9 sneakers on my son this week and thought 'man, these seem a little snug, we might want to go look at some new shoes'. And then of course it wasn't me who was SHOCKED to see when we got to the shoe store (4 days later) that indeed his feet were a touch above a 10 1/2! That could not have been me, I would have certainly noticed that those suckers were THAT small if I had paid closer attention. (poor guy never complained an ounce..) And we did not walk out of the store with size 11 shoes that fit wonderfully.
And it wasn't me who actually felt a tinge of sadness this morning when I woke up to no puppy in our house (since he's on Holiday with grandma and grandpa this week), I guess that would mean that I like the puppy? Not me, no way?! Ok, maybe just a little....
And it most certainly wasn't me that tried to bribe my child with everything under the sun possible for her to loosen her steel-tight grip on the chair at swim lessons last week so she'd get into the pool. (more on this in another post to come) That would not have been one of my better parenting moments, so I would never have done that. And it most certainly would NOT have been embarrassing to have that blood-curdling scream ripping through the entire pool area during this 'discussion/negotiation' I was having with my dear sweet, strong-willed almost 5-year old. And it was not at all embarrassing to have every single parent's eyes looking at me with the 'what did you do to your kid' look. (come on, all of you parents out there have gotten the 'look' at some point....or at least you KNOW that look..)
And it wasn't me who snuggled up in bed with my girl last night way past bedtime to enjoy a little special 'cuddle time' with her just because she asked. Gotta love that girl! :)
Happy Not Me! Monday to you all!!
i'm a swimming instructor and just had to laugh at your "not me"! don't worry, i've had MY SHARE of screamers ;) it'll pass. is there somewhere you can go to get out of her eyesight? usually that calms them down (when mom & dad aren't around). Good luck---and don't worry, no parents are "looking" at you...they've all been through this before too....if not at swimming lessons, than at school or daycare! (i'm an elementary teacher too!)
we went to get new shoes recently and i had the same experience. i couldn't believe they had grown 1 and 2 sizes since we'd last done a shoe trip.
Congrats on being first to MckMama's McLinky! Haha...yes, we know "the look" well :)
Loved your not me post! I came from McKMama! Nice to meet you!
I feel your puppy-missing pain! I always think I will be happy to be away from the dog when we travel, but man, it's hard NOT to miss them!
I am another that has experienced the "shoe" issue, if their shoes even make it that long. I like to blame on on the shoe though... you know all different brands are made so different that the sizes vary "big time" HA!!!
Love the post!!!
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