I would say that I've taken the time to write a blog entry since last Monday, but I guess I haven't. I will have to play catch up soon, very soon, because I have a pile of photos and other entries that I need to get updated here. So we'll start with a Not Me Monday entry since well, it is Monday....
Some people read last week's entry and were like "huh?" - this is a new direction for you Karen. Others just laughed along knowing they've been there too. Well, whatever you think, hopefully you can follow along and laugh, because I'm sure we've all been there right?? Or am I just telling myself that to make myself feel better??? Hmmmmmm -
I wrote this originally at home at 4:30am so if it's a little convoluted, my apologies!!
Happy Monday!
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by mckMama,/a>. You can head over to ,a href="http:/www.mycharmingkids.net"> her blog to read what she and everyone else have been doing this week.
It was not me that took the kids to the community center for child #1's gymnastics class and tell child #1 that we couldn't get a treat out of the vending machine because I didn't have money, when in reality I did have money, but wanted to avoid the fight with said child, only to have child #2 pull money out of my pocket as we were exiting the building and have him say "here you go mama, I found it!". Nor would I have then said "well, that's where it went, huh!" like I was suprised it had been found. I would never tell my child a fib to try and avoid lots of sugary treats at such a late hour.
And I'm sure it wasn't me who quietly snuck off to the bathroom for a moment of peace (not to use the bathroom for what it's intended, just for some quiet - alone)last weekend and quietly locked the door hoping for just a few minutes of quiet and it could not have been me that was completely silent when I hear child #1 AND child #2 working together (instead of against one another) to try and find me. And it wasn't me that didn't answer as they banged on the bathroom door after I turned the light off pretending not to be in there. No way, must have been some other mother.
And when we went to Target last week it wasn't me that (once again) offered to trade myself with another mother since my #1 child told me I had "ruined her life" because I was "so mean" since I wouldn't buy her some nonsense item she TOTALLY didn't need (remember she's 4). I could tell that she actually looked at the other mother I had suggested that we ask about a trade to maybe ponder it for just a second...And it couldn't have been me that actually laughed at that moment, that could not have been something I would have done with my OWN child - never!
It was certainly not me that just threw all the laundry into the washer not caring to seperate and praying that they all turned out CLOSE to the same color they went in as, just because it was faster and easier.
And in no way could it have been me that walked by cat throw up twice because I didn't want to deal with it at THAT particular moment and waited until I had completely forgotten about it to hear my husband notice it and then I'm sure I didn't think to myself "shoot, I should have cleaned that up, but he'll get it I'm sure...." - oh well, couldn't have been me because I keep a SPOTLESS house...right!
And although it wasn't me that did any of those things, I TOTALLY love my #1 and #2 and loving husband and wouldn't trade it for the world, even if my #1 would trade me some days.....
Happy Monday to all and I promise to upload more of the last month's pictures and such SOOOOOoon!
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