We are very blessed to have a larger family. Not huge, but a pretty good sized group. So this year, as with other years, we attend a few Christmas gatherings. The first one was with Mike's side of the family on Saturday the 20th. For those of you who live here, you will remember that day as the day of snow, ice and blowing snow. For those of you who live elsewhere....feel grateful you did not have to drive that day here. (the drive was a bit tough, but with 4wheel drive, it helped that's for sure).

Andrew in his new Wild hat - he loves that hat!

Andrew was excited to get a new Lacrosse stick from his cousin Joey. Joey was showing Andrew how to use it. Thankfully, the ball is very soft and we didn't break anything.

We had a great time seeing everyone and the kids were excited to pass out presents and open them. Cailin has been unofficially appointed (or self-appointed) as the present hander outter person. (ok, so that's not gramatically correct, but it works)

Christopher (Choppy), being a ham-bone.

Joey and Choppy showing off their new ornaments.
Andrew's big thing that we heard at each Christmas was "look mom, it's a box!" when he got the paper off. He soon realized that each present was more than just a 'box'.
Andrew enjoyed reading the new books he got from Auntie Rhonda and Uncle Gary. He wanted to read every one as soon as he opened them.

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