She's been a busy bee lately. She has been working hard at being a big sister. She also is really into pretending lately. She seems to be paying close attention to babies. She likes to change her dolls diaper, feed her bear a bottle - etc. She has a little brother (duh), recently we had a visit from Auntie Melissa, Uncle John and baby Michael, and there is a little baby at daycare. So that may be one of the reasons she seems inspired. She also likes to pretend to go to work like mommy and daddy do. In this photo, she got all dressed up so she wouldn't get cold "put hat on, no cold".

Before Uncle John and Auntie Melissa arrived, they sent a cute shirt over to us for Cailin. Do you think it might be appropriate?? (in case you can't read it, it's the Dairy Queen emblem with the words "drama queen" in it's place - VERY appropriate - even for a 2-year old)
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