Cailin, as you all know, still LOVES her Care Bears. I think now after Christmas, we are up to 10 bears. She likes to keep them in her crib, but will also put them on the chair in her room when she gets up in the morning. It's one of the daily 'games' that we play (Cailin has several, ok dozens of 'games' that we do every day - several include reading...).

Andrew is continuing to grow (and eat and eat and eat) and loves to jump. He also likes to move around in the walker. He has mastered going backwards, but is still working on forward movement. He has two teeth now, but is working on the top two, so he is chewing on EVERYTHING. He will chew on something so hard that he will start crying, poor guy. It's wierd but to us, he looks so different with his two bottom teeth.
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