Yes, we really did celebrate Christmas three times this year. That is less than in years past. But since Oma had an early Christmas celebration on the 24th, we were able to return home, to spend the night at our home Christmas Eve. That allowed us to have Santa visit us at home vs somewhere else. We've talked quite a bit about Santa over the past few weeks. Everytime we've been out, when Cailin saw a picture of Santa, she would point and try and say "santa". Santa was also very generous and brought some presents that were under the tree as well as stuffed everyone's stockings full of fun stuff.

Cailin (with shopping cart in hand) had to check out the tree. Everytime she sees it she still says "WOW"

This is a really cute hat/mitten set that Uncle Chris got for Cailin. You can't see the top but it is a penquin. Pretty cute. It's in the wash now, Andrew managed to spit up on it promptly, so it hasn't yet been worn outside. Plus the weather has been pretty warm, so that's ok.

Andrew enjoyed the festivities as well. He is sort of mesmerized by Cailin. She's kind of tornado at times, so he just watches her closely and laughes. He got a lot of fun stuff from santa too. Drew has also been teething pretty heavily, so that is the cause of the rash around his mouth (he is drooling and chewing CONSTANTLY - poor boo). He has already gotten one tooth on the bottom, a very sharp one at that, and has a second one just popping through next to it. Looks like he'll have a steak soon enough!

Drew helped Daddy open up his presents from Santa. Mostly, Drew liked to chew on the paper. He's a good helper.
Cailin also got a tunnel from her Oma. It's a rather large toy when open, so it takes up a bit of real estate. She does certainly love it. Lately, she's been putting every one of her stuffed toys in there (including her 9 care bears). She thinks that's funny. She also LOVES it when Ripley has to check it out. She will chase that cat even when she's in the tunnel. Busy, busy.